

“东莞桥头男士spa” 首届全国全民健身大赛在辽宁沈阳启幕


  中新网沈阳5月20日电(记者 韩宏)由国度体育总局、中华全国体育总会主办的第一届全国全平易近健身年夜赛20日在辽宁省沈阳市启幕。 5月20日,首届全国全平易近健身年夜赛在辽宁沈阳启幕。韩宏 摄   揭幕式上,伴着《讴歌故国》的歌声,中华人平易近共和国国旗入场。随后,年夜赛会旗,七年夜赛区、全国31个省(区、市)、新疆出产扶植兵团及喷鼻港、澳门特殊行政区的旗号顺次在场地中绽放。4000余名不雅众、4000余名展演人员配合高唱中华人平易近共和国国歌。   本次年夜赛偏重“全”,是集角逐、展演、进修、交换等于一体的全国全平易近健身嘉会,表现全地区、全人群、全项目笼盖等特点,让公众享受参赛、不雅赛全进程,实现全平易近介入、全平易近同享、全平易近健康。 5月20日,首届全国全平易近健身年夜赛在辽宁沈阳启幕。韩宏 摄   揭幕式上,全平易近健身展演分为四个篇章,以舞台实景展演体例显现33个全平易近健身精品项目,包罗乒乓球、太极拳、八段锦、五禽戏、花式跳绳、街舞、冰球等。展演人员来自北京、贵州、辽宁等地,笼盖各类、各春秋段人群,充实表现全平易近介入、全平易近同享理念。   一些特点项目标活动达人也在现场展现高深身手。如柔力球全国年夜赛冠军王丽,贵州黔东南州村超、村BA啦啦队,辽宁省技击年夜赛冠军张守平易近等带来出色展演。 5月20日,首届全国全平易近健身年夜赛在辽宁沈阳启幕。韩宏 摄   记者领会到,本次年夜赛凸起立异办赛、矫捷办赛、随机应变、重在介入的特点,充实将办赛自立权释放给各赛区。全国划分为七个赛区,项目设置采取“5+N+X”的体例:“5”为5个划定角逐项目,即足球、篮球、排球(气排球)、健身气功和太极拳;“N”为N个在本赛区的自选特点项目,“X”为各省(区、市)自选项目,都可按照现实环境自行肯定。   据悉,年夜赛打算每两年举行一次,本年为首届角逐。按比赛日程,本届年夜赛将于2024年年末前完玉成国总决赛并举行终结式。(完) 【编纂:刘阳禾】。


As a journalist for Zhonghua News, I have the opportunity to explore various aspects of our local community. Recently, I had the chance to visit a hidden gem in Dongguan – the Qiaotou Men's Spa. This spa has been gaining popularity among the local residents for its excellent services and tranquil atmosphere. After spending several hours there, I can't help but share my observations and feelings about this exceptional establishment.

Nested in the heart of Qiaotou, the spa offers a unique escape from the busy city life. As I entered the spa, I immediately felt a sense of calmness and serenity enveloping me. The soft lighting, soothing music, and aromatic scents created a peaceful ambiance that transported me away from the outside world. It is truly a sanctuary for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.

One of the distinctive features of Qiaotou Men's Spa is their focus on providing specialized services for men. From traditional Chinese massages to hot stone therapies, they offer a wide range of treatments tailored specifically for male customers. This attention to detail and understanding of men's unique needs sets them apart from other establishments in the area.

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