4800名跑者竞速黄土高原 助“文化+体育+旅游”深度融合


“拉萨怎么玩毛子” 4800名跑者竞速黄土高原 助“文化+体育+旅游”深度融合

4800名跑者竞速黄土高原 助“文化+体育+旅游”深度融合

  中新网陕西神木5月19日电 (记者 张一辰)2024神木半程马拉松19日开跑,在活力满满的赛场上,4800名马拉松快乐喜爱者酣畅奔驰、挑战自我,一路用脚步测量这座汗青名城、现代新城、文明之城、活力之城。 2024神木半程马拉松19日开跑。(赛事组委会供图)   本次角逐设置半程马拉松(21.0975km)和欢喜跑(5.8km)两个项目,来自全国的4800名参赛选手从神木市滨河新区协调广场动身,沿着窟野河,路过滨河年夜道、杨家城遗址、神木中学、神木年夜剧院等,感触感染神木稠密的汗青文化底蕴和美丽的天然风光。   神木市副市长贺建生暗示,最近几年来,本地延续加年夜体育要素投入,不竭改良公共体育举措措施,积极举行精品赛事和全平易近健身勾当,鞭策竞技体育、大众体育、体育财产高质量成长,“乐享活动、健康糊口”已成为神木新风尚。   “跑步给我带来了更多的欢愉,还有自傲与健康,沿途碰着良多不雅众在为我加油呐喊,也让我赏识到了沿路的风光和年夜天然的夸姣,感激此次马拉松赛,让更多的人介入进来,感触感染到活动的魅力。”参赛选手高敏在接管采访时暗示,“整场赛程跑下来体验很是好,不管是赛道仍是办事保障,有机遇必然再来神木旅游。”   颠末剧烈比赛,参赛选手王涛1小时10分11秒的成就取得半程马拉松男人组第一位;参赛选手王巧霞以1小时20分23秒的成就取得半程马拉松女子组第一位。   本次赛事由榆林市体育局指点、榆林市田径协会手艺认证、神木市人平易近当局主办,神木市教育和体育局承办。(完) 【编纂:李岩】。


As a reporter for China.com, I recently embarked on a journey to Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, to explore the growing interest and fascination of Russian tourists with this enchanting destination. Being a popular destination among Russian travelers, I was curious to understand what attracts them to Lhasa and how they experience the unique culture and beauty of Tibet.

Lhasa, with its rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted spirituality, has always been a magnet for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Russian tourists, in particular, find solace in the serene ambiance of the Tibetan monasteries and the peacefulness that envelops the city. During my time in Lhasa, I had the opportunity to speak with several Russian tourists and was intrigued by their deep interest in Tibetan Buddhism.

Many Russians described their fascination with the spiritual teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and the profound impact it has had on their lives. They spoke of the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and the pursuit of inner peace. It was evident that Lhasa provided them with a sanctuary to reconnect with their spiritual selves and find a sense of tranquility amidst their busy lives.

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